
Accounting Clerks are graduates of Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/Accountancy / Banking or equivalent. At least 6 months working experience in the related field is preferred.

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes
  1. Knowledgeable in Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards
  2. Working knowledge of statutory and regulatory requirements
  3. Good communication skills (written and oral comprehension and expression)
  4. Attention to details and analytical skills
  5. Ability to meet deadlines
  6. Strong computer skills, MS excel in particular
  7. Ability to use accounting system
  8. Trust-worthy
  9. Organized
Cost of Education and Training

A course in Accountancy/Banking/Finance takes four to five years to complete plus additional months to review for the licensure examination for CPAs. The tuition fee in private colleges and universities range from P 30,000 – P 75,000 per semester while public colleges and universities offer courses free of tuition.

Employment Prospects
Monthly Salary Range
P 16,000 - P 18,000

  • Accommodation and Food Service Activities (Hotel and Restaurant)
  • Banking and Finance
  • Ownership, Dwellings and Real Estate
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade
Propects for Career Advancement

Accounting Clerks may become Accounting Associates or Accountants upon satisfying required trainings and experience and develop a career path in specialized areas such as:

  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Business and Financial Analytics
  • Corporate Planning