
Massage Therapist are graduates of High School Diploma; Vocational Diploma / Short Course Certificate on Massage Therapy Course.

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes

1. Communication skills
2. Decision-making skills
3. Empathy
4. Integrity
5. Physical stamina
6. Physical strength and dexterity
7. Time-management skills

Cost of Education and Training

Basic Education is offered for free while Basic Massage Therapy Short Course costs

Employment Prospects
Monthly Salary Range
8,000 - 19,000


Health and Wellness
Restaurant and Tourism

Propects for Career Advancement

Massage Therapists may gain experience and training in treatment for specific conditions or as a general source of relaxation and rejuvenation in personal care services, health and wellness centers. They may advance to managerial roles or move on to self-employment and own spas. Others may opt to take further studies to become physical therapists.